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Thursday, April 26, 2018

US and Mid-Atlantic tumbling after the Spring Festival

According to the IMF's General Manager Christine Lagarde, the IMF Spring and World Bank Spring Olympics begin with great concern about the potential damage that a US-China trade war has. The economic recovery, however, may be exacerbated by the opening of the negotiating window.

Shortly after Lagarde's speech, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced he was considering a visit to China to discuss trade disagreement, a welcome move after weeks of escalating tensions. It is not clear at the time of the visit and the content of the discussion. This announcement could ease the tension between the two countries. Last month, US President Donald Trump announced high tariffs on billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods, while China also levied on major US agricultural exports and threatened to have The same is true for soybean in this country. In recent weeks, Ms Lagarde has urged member states to avoid protectionist measures and warn of trade disagreements that could harm investment, a major driver of the current economic recovery. global. In the closing remarks, she said she was concerned about resolving the problems before escalating to the level of growth hindering and threatening stability. The IMF forecasts that global economic growth will reach 3.9% this year and next, but warns of the risks of slowing growth.

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