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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Cambridge Analytica stopped working after Facebook scanda

On May 2, Cambridge Analytica, a market analysis and political consulting firm, announced that it was shutting down and filed for bankruptcy in the United Kingdom and the United States for failing to restore its old operations after a scandal. the unauthorized use of Facebook social networking user data.

The decision was dropped only a few weeks after the company allegedly bought and illegally exploited 87 million Facebook users via a survey by academy professor Alexander Kogan. study Cambridge. The company's statement states that "over the past few months, Cambridge Analytica has become the subject of many baseless allegations," significantly affecting "the company's legitimacy in the field. both politically and commercially. Cambridge Analytica claims its employees have lawfully processed the data, but media coverage and pressures have turned most customers and suppliers away from the company. Earlier, Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix was suspended from the investigation into allegations of unauthorized collection of personal information by Facebook users. Cambridge Analytica claims that the company does not use Facebook data for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. The company also denied the use of data for wrong purposes, claiming to have deleted all Facebook data from a third-party application in 2014, after realizing that the use of this information was Contrary to regulations on data protection.

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